La parola “stress” è tra le più gettonate sui motori di ricerca, lo sapevate? Anche tra le più abusate nel parlare quotidiano, questa parola sembrerebbe rappresentare la causa maggiore di tutti i mali contemporanei – oltre che una considerevole parte di giustificazioni della più svariata natura.
Stress… parola di derivazione latina strictus «stretto», la nostra Treccani recita:
“[…]Nell’uso corrente: tensione nervosa, logorio, affaticamento psicofisico, e anche il fatto, la situazione e sim. che ne costituiscono la causa.”
Ma voi sapevate che sotto stress riusciamo a sentire meglio gli odori? Il nostro olfatto si amplifica. Non solo l’ansia crea un cattivo odore, ma lo stress aumenta la nostra capacità di agguantare molecole olfattive dai nostri recettori, peggiorandole.
Immersi in uno stato di ansia e stress gli odori che generalmente riconosciamo come neutri diventano chiaramente negativi, questo dicono le ricerche. “Le persone che avvertono un aumento dell’ansia mostrano una diminuzione della piacevolezza degli odori percepiti”.
Nel corso di un esperimento condotto dall’Università del Wisconsin, i ricercatori hanno osservato che (tramite utilizzo di tecniche comportamentali e utilizzando la risonanza magnetica funzionale, fMRI) due circuiti separati e tipicamente indipendenti del cervello – uno dedicato all’elaborazione olfattiva, l’altro all’emozione – diventano strettamente connessi in condizioni di ansia. Dopo essere stati sottoposti ad uno stato di stress, i soggetti vengono invitati nuovamente a giudicare alcuni odori neutri testati prima, valutando negativamente la maggior parte degli odori che prima avevano considerato come neutrali.
“Nella gestione tipica degli odori, di solito è solo il sistema olfattivo che viene attivato. Ma quando una persona diventa ansiosa, il sistema emozionale diventa parte del flusso di elaborazione olfattiva.”
Cit. Prof. Wen Li, Department of Dairy Science University of Wisconsin-Madison
Quindi non solo siamo più sensibili agli odori che ci circondano, ma alcuni potremmo percepirli come sgradevoli. Questo non vuol dire che siamo circondati da “puzze” ma semplicemente siamo più sensibili e più portati a peggiorare ciò che – in condizioni normali – non è ne troppo buono ne troppo cattivo.

Un buon rimedio a tutto questo? Tre respironi ed una buona dose di oggettività rinforzata. Ma se neanche questo dovesse bastare allora non consideriamoci casi disperati, possiamo provare a circondarci di ciò che ci fa stare bene, di chi ci rende leggeri, di un odore… magari un profumo che assopisca il negativo, le paure, il senso di oppressione.
Nel 2020 infatti si parla di nuove ” fragranze anti-stress” assolutamente senza genere, contenenti, ad esempio, note di caffè, di rosmarino – che agisce a livello cerebrale aumentando l’attenzione e migliorando l’umore – oppure di mandarino, la lavanda o il basilico – che stimola le funzioni intellettive.
Comunque nel futuro del settore fragranze si prospetta uno sviluppo tutto in chiave ‘funzionale’ per ‘accendere’ meglio le reazioni del cervello e aiutare il corpo ad essere più reattivo e performante. Parole chiave: buono e funzionale!
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Если Вы хотели в интернете, то Вы попали по адресу. Доставляем в любую точку Мира в очень быстрые сроки с помощью ТК. После осуществленного выбора, Вам пришлют счет, который можно оплатить многими методами. Отгрузка товара осуществляется в течение 3-х рабочих дней, отслеживать заказ можно по номеру заказа. Мы расположились в Улан-Удэ: ул. Строителей, 42 А. Режим работы с понедельника по пятницу с 9:00 — 19:00, в выходные с 10:00 — 16:00. Звоните по телефону +7(3012)666-112 или напишите на наш адрес электронной почты.
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Tokyo authorities decided to allocate 1.8 trillion yen (about $ 15.8 billion) to help the population in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is reported by TASS with reference to the local newspaper Yomiuri.
It is noted that the Government of Japan has made these payments to the draft state budget for the 2022 fiscal year. As part of the assistance, all residents who have an identity card in the form of a plastic card will receive $ 174.
In this case, the condition for receiving money will be the citizen’s consent to use these cards as medical insurance, and they must also be linked to a bank account. Thus, the authorities want to increase the popularity of unified identity cards. At the moment, only 39 percent of Japanese people use them.
Earlier, professor of the National Institute of Genetics Ituro Inoue said that the incidence of COVID-19 in Japan decreased after the delta strain of the virus self-destructed due to constant mutations. In addition, the number of infections could decrease due to high vaccination rates in the country and compliance with measures to protect against infection.
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Earlier, Stoltenberg stressed that a compromise between Russia and NATO on the right of Ukraine to “choose its own path” and apply for membership in the alliance is impossible. He again accused the Russian side of pulling the armed forces to the Ukrainian border.
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The exclusion of RT DE (the German-language branch of Russia Today) from satellite broadcasting in Europe is a persecution of the media. This was stated by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova in her Telegram channel.
Zakharova also called the actions of Berlin, which forced the operator of the European satellite communications to remove RT DE, information segregation. She assured that the reaction would not take long, presumably referring to the political response of the official Kremlin.
The fact that the German-language media regulator MABB demanded that the RT DE TV channel be removed from broadcasting in Europe became known on December 22. The European satellite operator Eutelsat 9B obeyed the demand and removed RT DE, broadcasting from studios in Moscow, from the grid. RT DE’s press service called MAAB’s actions illegal.
Earlier it became known that an investigation was initiated in Germany against the network of Russia Today TV channels. Berlin suspects the Russian television network of violating the rules of broadcasting in Germany due to the alleged lack of the necessary license for the network. As a result of the investigation, RT may be fined up to half a million euros or banned from broadcasting.
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Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called the words of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg regarding Russian proposals for security guarantees in Europe inadequate. The words of the diplomat are transmitted by RIA Novosti.
“Mr. Stoltenberg, the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Alliance, constantly makes some not very adequate statements,” the Foreign Minister stressed.
Earlier, Stoltenberg stressed that a compromise between Russia and NATO on the right of Ukraine to “choose its own path” and apply for membership in the alliance is impossible. He again accused the Russian side of pulling the armed forces to the Ukrainian border.
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Bulgarian Interior Minister Boyko Rashev admitted that he was horrified by the picture of the consequences of an accident in which more than 40 bus passengers were killed. This is reported by RIA Novosti.
“Not everyone can stand this sight. I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s hard to even understand how many people were burned there,” the minister said. He also assured that a detailed investigation will be conducted into the accident with dozens of victims.
The accident occurred on November 23 at 3 a.m., near the village of Bosnek in the Pernik region. The bus with 52 passengers was heading from Istanbul to Northern Macedonia. When the accident happened, the car caught fire, killing 46 people, including 12 children.
All the victims turned out to be citizens of Northern Macedonia. According to the Bulgarian authorities, the main causes of the accident could be a wet road, a technical malfunction of the bus and a driver who fell asleep at the wheel. The investigators also admitted that the bus could have caught fire even before the accident.
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Researchers from the Citizen Lab observation group in Toronto have caught the Polish authorities using the Israeli Pegasus software to spy on representatives of the political opposition. This is reported by Politico.
According to the publication, the victims of the program were a well-known lawyer Roman Giertych and prosecutor Eva Wrzosek (Ewa Wrzosek). They said that their phones were hacked for the purpose of surveillance. At the same time, the Polish government rejected these accusations. “Any suggestion that the Polish services use operational methods for the sake of political struggle is false,” said the minister—coordinator of the country’s special services Stanislav Zharin.
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